

The SMP Resource Center provides training web events and resources for SMPs, including training resources that SMPs may use with their staff, partners, and volunteers. Training resources are available to the SMP network in the SMP Resource Library and in TRAX: Training Tracker.

  • The SMP Resource Library is a searchable database of materials produced by SMPs or for SMPs.
  • TRAX: Training Tracker is the training tracking system for the SMP network. It allows SMPs to take, assign, and track training as well as assessments.

The SMP Resource Library and TRAX are accessed through the same portal. Access levels vary based on user role. SMP team members who have questions about their user role or which training to take should contact their local SMP director or coordinator of volunteers.


Resource Lists

The resource lists and tips below provide SMPs with an overview of resources to look for in the SMP Resource Library based on specific topics.

Topic  Description  Resources
Getting Started with SMP Resources to help new SMPs get started working with the SMP network
SMP Resource Library and TRAX: Training Tracker Resources to help SMPs use the Resource Library and online training tracking system
Web Events  Training webinars, SMP Monthly Networking Calls, and small group tutorials
OIG Report Training Training and resources to help SMPs enter, review, and edit their OIG Report data
SIRS Training Live training, recordings, SIRS job aids, and related resources
Volunteer Orientation and Training SMP Orientation, SMP Foundations Training, and role-specific training for SMP volunteers
VRPM Training VRPM resources, including webinars, to help manage VRPM implementation

Tip: To find recordings of past webinars, see the list oVRPM Webinars, Conference Sessions, and Articles.