Data & Insights from Research about Supports for Low-Income Older Adults: Implications for SHIPs
Lauren Popham, Samantha Zenlea, and Ann Kayrish, National Council on Aging - Presentation
Deep Dive: A Case Study Group Analysis
Casey Schwarz, Esq. and Emily Whicheloe, Medicare Rights Center - Presentation
DMEPOS and DME Marketing
Tangita Daramola, CMS - Presentation
Grants Just Want to Have Funds, But Monitoring Is a Must
Charlene Allen, ACL; Anne Chansler, FL SHINE/SMP/MIPPA; and Wanda Brown, NV SHIP/MIPPA - Presentation
Introduction to STARS Reports
Leslie Green, ACL; Ginny Paulson, and Dennis Smithe, SHIP Resource Center - Presentation
Let’s Talk about Funding!
Josh Hodges, ACL - Presentation
Outreach Panel - Medical Provider Partnerships/Videos
Kris Gross, IA SHIP and Renee Labrie-Shanks, MT SMP - Presentation
TRAX — A Sneak Preview of the NEW SMP Training Tracker
Heather Flory and Sara Lauer, SMP Resource Center - Presentation
When is Enough, Enough: How to Tell Whether Your VHOs have Implemented VRPM
Steve McCurley, Consultant, SHIP and SMP Centers - Presentation