Mobile Medical Practice Doctor Indicted
He allegedly created false medical records to conceal fraudulent billing.
Sleep Disorder Clinic Owner Indicted
Clinic allegedly billed for sleep tests not performed.
Providers Charged in Over $20 Million Scheme
Patients were allegedly paid for their involvement.
Woman Targeted in ‘Gold Chip’ Card Scam
Medicare cards don’t have chips.
Two Arrested for Health Care Fraud
They allegedly sought people in boarding homes and senior living for hospice.
Criminal Charges Involve Over $1.4 Billion in Alleged Losses
Telemedicine, COVID-19, “sober homes,” and opioids top charges in 31 federal districts.
Psychotherapy Services Provider Agrees to Pay
Allegations included upcoding sessions at nursing homes and facilities.
Actions Taken in Operation ‘Happy Clickers’
Investigation reflects habits of approving orders with little to no review.
Employee Stops Gift Card Scam
No legitimate organization will ask for payment in gift cards.
Company Owner Charged for $784 Million Health Care Fraud
It’s one of the largest Medicare fraud schemes ever charged by the Justice Department.
Feds Intervene in Medicare Advantage Lawsuits
Companies allegedly pressured physicians to add diagnoses that patients did not have.
Free Genetic Test is Really Medicare Fraud
Con artists claim to offer “free” genetic testing for heart conditions or cancer.