Medicare Fraud Prevention Week is Established June 5, 2022, starts the first Medicare Fraud Prevention Week. The national week draws attention to the SMP program and the actions everyone can take to prevent Medicare fraud, errors, and abuse.
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New SMP Logo ACL updates the SMP logo from a blue and green color scheme to a dark blue, light blue, and orange color scheme with a prominent check mark.
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PHCJ change to the My Health Care Tracker The Personal Health Care Journals (PHCJs) is updated to better fit the needs of beneficiaries and families. The name is changed to fit the new functionality of the tracker as well as upcoming SMP Resource Center’s mobile application that will house a digital version of this tracker.…
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SMP Resource Center Launches a National Facebook Page May 1, 2017, is the launch date of the SMP Resource Center’s national Facebook page. The goals of the page are to be a national presence for the SMP program and also to serve as resources for state SMP projects to use.
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National Bookmark and Brochure ACL created a nationally branded bookmark and brochure for the SMP program to use for outreach and education.
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SMP National Resource Center The National Consumer Protection Technical Resource Center is renamed to the SMP National Resource Center.
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ACL is Established April 16, 2012 – The Administration on Aging (AoA), the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD), and the HHS Office on Disability come together to become the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
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Volunteer Risk and Program Management (VRPM) Policies Introduced Working with volunteer management consultant Linda Graff and Associates, AoA and the SMP Resource Center disseminate a comprehensive set of new Volunteer Risk and Program Management (VRPM) policies that will take effect in stages over three years, beginning in June 2013.
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AOA Launches National Public Awareness Campaign The Department of Health & Human Services, through AoA, launches a national public awareness campaign about Senior Medicare Patrol with fraud prevention public service announcements (PSAs), fact sheets, and other information resources. AoA provides media toolkits, training, and support to the SMPs to ensure effective placement and response to…
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National SMP Logo Introduced The SMART FACTS reporting system launches and AoA introduces a national SMP logo and outreach materials.
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