Update from an October 25, 2022, story: Istomin was sentenced to seven years in federal prison. Click here to learn more.
Alexander A. Istomin, a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, admitted that he routinely submitted fraudulent claims to commercial health insurers and Medicare for in-person patient services that he falsely claimed to have performed at his offices in Rhode Island, New York, and Florida. He pleaded guilty to 11 counts that included health care fraud, mail fraud, aggravated identity theft, and causing the introduction of misbranded drugs into interstate commerce. In some instances, the patients that Istomin claimed he met with in person were out of the country at the time of the alleged visits. On many other occasions that he claimed to have been seeing patients, Istomin, himself, was either in a different state or another country. He also admitted to waiving copayments for some Medicare patients. Read a story from the Associated Press and a Department of Justice press release.
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