Woman Pleads Guilty to Medicare Kickback Scheme
She steered beneficiaries to home health, hospice agencies.
Ambulance Company Owners, Workers Convicted
It’s one of the largest single Medicare ambulance fraud cases ever prosecuted by the Justice Department.
Telemarketing Owner Sentenced to Four Years
Ordered to pay $3.42 million in restitution.
Woman Pleads Guilty in Genetic Testing Scheme
Conspiracy involved bribes and kickbacks in exchange for ordering genetic tests.
Chiropractor, Practice Ordered to Pay $5 Million
Claims were submitted for noncovered services.
U.S. Files Complaint Against Drug Company
It alleges money was funneled through copay foundations.
Feds Say Firm Used DNA from Elderly
Donors thought swabs would be used to detect chances of getting cancer.
Women Charged with Scheme at Nursing Homes
They allegedly used medical information to create fraudulent wound care supply orders.
Man Agrees to Plead Guilty to $109 Million Scheme
He allegedly submitted false and fraudulent claims for durable medical equipment.
Hospice Agrees to Pay $3.2 Million
Resolves allegations it knowingly submitted false claims for beneficiaries who didn’t quality.
27 Skilled Nursing Facilities to Pay $16.7 Million
Preplanned revenue targets allegedly were set without regard to patients’ needs.
Government Warns of Inaccurate Face Mask Postings
Fraudulent documents claim individuals are exempt from mask requirements.